open journal systems journal help user username password remember me notifications view subscribe journal content search scope all authors title abstract index terms full text browse by issue by author by title font size information for readers for authors for librarians home about login register search current archives announcements conferences citations home > vol 7, no 8 (2018) anglisticum is the journal of the association for anglo-american studies which contributes to the development of both theory and practice in the field of english literature, linguistics and interdisciplinary studies. the field of literature includes american literature, eighteenth century literature, literary theory, medieval literature, renaissance literature, romanticism, seventeenth century literature, shakespearean literature, victorian literature, twentieth century and contemporary literature, comparative literature, etc. the field of linguistics includes applied linguistics, language teaching, computational linguistics, discourse analysis, historical linguistics, psycholinguistics, language acquisition, sociolinguistics, bilingualism, language and gender, language variation and change, speech science, perception, theoretical linguistics, morphology, phonology, phonetics, pragmatics, semantics, and syntax. the field of interdisciplinary studies includes creative and performing arts, humanities, science, social science. the disciplines most commonly associated with the creative and performing arts are: creative writing, film (production), music (performance), theatre design and production, visual art. among the humanities disciplines are: archaeology, art history, history, language, linguistics, literature, philosophy, religious studies, women’s studies. in the science category are included: astronomy, atmospheric sciences, biochemistry, biology, animal biology, cell and developmental biology, conservation biology, ecology and environmental biology, general biology, genetics, geographical biogeosciences, marine biology, plant biology, chemistry, computer science, earth and ocean sciences, geological sciences, geophysics, oceanography, mathematics, microbiology, nutritional science, pharmacology, healthcare, sports, physiology, physics, psychology, statistics. the disciplines most commonly associated with the social sciences are: anthropology, economics, family studies, geography, political science, psychology, sociology, l egal studies , urban studies, women’s studies. its editorial team accepts only academically robust papers and welcomes editorials , letters to the publisher , research articles , case studies , reflective essays , review articles, research briefs, policy briefs, conference proceeding and/or abstracts, commentaries, viewpoints and other work which are of scientific value and interest. all papers are double-blind peer reviewed and are checked with turnitin software an international double blind peer-reviewed monthly journal announcements no announcements have been published. more announcements... vol 7, no 8 (2018): volume 7, no.8, august, 2018 table of contents volume 7, no.8, august, 2018 realist philosophy of education as a repetition of existentialist theory of education david ubong iniobong pdf 10-21 e-content developing with articulate studio ’13 frida gjermeni pdf 22-30 critique of idealist philosophy of education: towards a reconstruction of the nigerian philosophy david ubong iniobong pdf 31-40 black identity formation in repression: a study of selected poems of maya angelou nathaniel ojima sunday, ene edem ekpo pdf 41-53 restricting the right of movement of citizens in albania during the communist regime çelo hoxha pdf 54-57 the medieval churches in the diocesan centre of the sape liza brunga pdf 58-72 using synonymy in translation of hemingway’s “a farewell to arms” from english into albanian miranda enesi, helena grillo (mukli) pdf 73-82 the effects of respiratory physiotherapy in pneumological patients erisa mane, luisiana memushaj pdf 83-90 copyright © 2012-2018 anglisticum. journal of the association for anglo-american studies,tetovo, macedonia. all rights reserved. the publication is licensed under a creative commons license (cc by) view legal code issn (print): 1857-8179. issn (online): 1857-8187. disclaimer: articles on anglisticum have been reviewed and authenticated by the authors before sending for the publication. the journal, editors and the editorial board are not entitled or liable to either justify or responsible for inaccurate and misleading data if any. it is the sole responsibility of the author concerned.